

ニューヨークで開催された「模擬国連世界大会」に参加 ~神戸市外大の学生が最優秀賞を獲得~

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今大会においても、澳门金沙城中心_澳门威尼斯人官网-备用网址はドイツのWestphalian University of Applied Sciencesとチームを組み、パキスタン代表団として21の会議に参加しました。澳门金沙城中心_澳门威尼斯人官网-备用网址からは9人の学生が、UNESCO、国際移住機関、国連平和構築委員会、国連環境委員会、国連総会に大使として参加しました。このほか、萩健夫が国連総会、尾﨑皓子が国際原子力機関、島本理央が国連児童基金でそれぞれ議長を務め、さらに松尾宝輝が国連社会開発委員会にて委員会の運営を担う理事補佐を務めました(いずれも国際関係学科4年生)。


今大会において、本学代表団は、3つの部会(国連平和構築委員会、国連教育科学文化機関、国連児童基金)において、優秀な政策提案文書に贈られる政策提案文書優秀賞を受賞しました。また、参加者の中の上位5%の大使団のみに与えられるOutstanding Delegation Awardを受賞しました。すべて英語で運営される競争的な国際会議の場において、このように優秀な成果を上げられたのは、参加学生がこれまで大変な努力を重ね、実力を発揮できたからであることを、ここに強調いたします。無論、模擬国連の価値はこうした栄誉にのみとどまるものではありません。このプログラムの価値は学生のリーダーシップを育成すること、彼らの目を世界に向け視野を広げること、将来彼らがそれぞれの職業を通じて、高度なプロフェッショナリズムを追及することに貢献することにあります。



Kobe City University of Foreign Studies has recently traveled to New York to participate in the National Model United Nations Conference New York 2022, April 3-7. More than 3,000 students and 114 different universities, colleges and higher education institutions from around the globe participated in the 2022 NMUN conference in New York City in an exercise in diplomacy and multilateralism. The Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv also participated. During the conference Delegate Seminar, they gave a first-hand account of what is happening now in Ukraine and what the world might do.

We once again partnered with the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Germany to represent Pakistan in many of the 21 conference UN committees. Nine of our students represented delegates in UNESCO, International Organization on Migration, Peacebuilding Commission, UN Environment Assembly, and General Assembly. As well, we had three students chosen to serve as Chairs. Takeo Hagi, 4th year student in the department of International Relations served in the General Assembly, Hiroko Ozaki, 4th year student in the department of International Relations served in the International Atomic Energy Agency, and Rio Shimamoto, 4th year student in the department of International Relations served in UNICEF. Finally, Hoki Matsuo, 4th year student in the department of International Relations served as Assistant Director in the Commission for Social Development. As a delegation, we had a briefing at the Pakistan Permanent Mission to the United Nations with Ambassador Munir Akram who served as the president for the Social and Economic Council last year.

We are proud to announce that our students received three position paper awards in the committees of Peacebuilding Commission, UNESCO and UNICEF, which are awarded to the best written and most well researched student papers. As well, we are very honored to announce that our delegation was awarded an "Outstanding Delegation Award" which is given to the top 5% of university delegations which attend the conference. We must stress that our students achieved this award in a competitive international English-speaking environment, which should highlight the outstanding abilities and efforts of these students. Yet, the Model United Nations is more than awards. This program develops leadership skills of its student delegates who come from all academic disciplines, giving them a broader perspective of the world, and a high level of professionalism as they move into their chosen careers. At the closing ceremony, Head Delegate, Chiaki Tsujioka, who is the Secretary-General for National Model United Nations Japan 2022 this November, introduced the conference inviting everyone to Kobe. The NMUN Japan 2022 Secretary-General and professors also visited the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, meeting with Anna Suzuki, Second Secretary.

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(左:会議の様子、 右:集合写真)